A Deaconess is female deacon specially designated to serve as a spiritual leader with a nurturing touch. We are servants who focus on serving our church family by:
Spearheading Outreach Efforts For Bereaved Church Members And Their Families
Visits Or Food Preparation
Preparing Candidates For Baptism
Preparing The Holy Emblems For Communion Service
making ourselves available to all church members for prayer, counsel or a listening ear.
It is a holy, special work and we are happy to serve you. Feel free
to stop any of us at any time if you are in need of prayer. That is
what we are here for.
The Deaconesses Ministry of RPC is lead by LaToya Forrester. If you would like to be a part of the Deconness Ministry, please email Petra at petralisaannaaron@gmail.com


Communion Coordinator

Bereavement Coordinator

Lead Deaconess Week 2

Lead Deaconess Week 3

Lead Deaconess Week 4

Lead Deaconess Week 5

Head Deaconness