"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." ~ Proverbs 27:17
The Men of Valor are doing some exciting things this year. I am truly honored to be the leader of such a great group of gentlemen. However, no one person is an island unto himself. I have a great council of men that are dedicated towards catering to those sensitive obstacles that men encounter. Just as no one man can operate as an island unto himself, neither can one man carry a burden by himself. With the support of our brothers, we can encourage, uplift and strengthen our men to overcome these obstacles and focus on walking with God.
Mission Statement:
The Men of Valor at Restoration Praise (RPC) is "committed to the active pursuant of men to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for the purpose of winning, growing, and training to be God's man in Christ." This mission statement is pursued through a variety of initiatives, events and activities. The Men's Ministry places great emphasis on developing relationships in and among the men of RPC for furthering encouragement and support of men in their walk with Christ.
Accountability in Men's Lives
The Scriptures tell us that we are to sharpen one another like iron sharpening iron. Many of the men of RPC have developed accountability relationships with two or three other men. The concept is for a small group of men (no more than three or four) to get together on a regular basis to get to know one another, pray together and ask each other the tough questions about how their personal life is going. The Men's Ministry seeks to assist in matching men with other Christian men in these relationships.
Monthly Meetings
Through monthly meetings, the Men of Valor have the opportunity to sit in on various workshops, seminars on relevant topics and other issues that will enhance the Christian walk of our fellow brethren. Topics discussed in these meetings are real issues that men face throughout their lives. Meetings are held at RPC on the third Sabbath of each month. We look forward to seeing you there.
Sporting Events
Through outreach to men, RPC's Men of Valor come together to fellowship via various sporting events. Whether it be a Super Bowl Party or golfing events, the men are formulating a bond of brothers that will not only support one another through the difficult times but will begin making enjoyable lasting memories.
How do I become one of the "MEN of Valor"?
To join RPC's vital men's ministry is to decide that you want to take your relationship with God to the next level, realizing that you can't make it on your own. Once you have decided to do this, then "YOU" are ready to become a Man of Valor.
Catch the vision! God will use you as a mighty soldier in an army of men who are commissioned towards the restoration and reconciliation of men into a deep relationship with God.
What can you expect from the MEN of Valor - Men's Ministries?
At RPC, the MEN of VALOR are committed to the eight biblically-balanced benchmarks for a healthy ministry to men.
FILLING - God's man is a self-feeder. Consistently studying and eating God's Word independent of the church or small group is essential. To do this, a man must be taught how to study the Bible. We suggest building your frame work to support a weekly meeting with the pastor, bible worker or small-group leader to teach Bible skills (1 Peter 2:1-3; Psalm 1:1-3).
TRAINING - God's man receives regular/weekly biblical instruction in all areas of life. (1 Thessalonians 2:13). This can be achieved through a weekly large/small-group Bible study discussions.
PRACTICING - God's man learns how to apply God's Word to all areas of life. It is essential to allow room for accountability within the men's ministry for the purpose of consistency and obedience to God's Word (James 1:22-25; Ezekiel 33:30-32).
UNITING - God's man makes it a priority to connect with other men at least two times a month for the purpose of community, accountability, confession, and prayer (Galatians 6:1-3; James 5:16; Hebrews 10:23-24).
SURVIVING - God's man learns to address major life temptations and/or crises according to his need and life-stage. Support and encouragement from the ministry leader and/or small group is essential (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).
REACHING - God's man gets involved in some form of men's ministry based on his gifts and talents. God has called each of us to pour out to others what He has poured into us (1 Peter 4:10-11; Ephesians 4:11-13).
IMPACTING - God's man invests time and resources into the lives of other men. We suggest one-on-one connection through shared activities, spiritual mentoring, and modeling (2 Tim. 2:22; Proverbs 27:17; Mark 3:13-14).
SHARING - God's man learns to actively share his faith in order to lead others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 3:15; Matthew 28:18-20).